Tips To Remove a Blemish Before Senior Portraits
Imagine that it’s finally the week of your senior session, which you’ve been waiting years for, and you wake up one day to find a giant zit staring back at you in the mirror. WHY?!?! Right there in the middle of your forehead is a zit that will surely not go unnoticed. Your senior portraits are in a few days ... QUICK! WHAT WOULD YOU DO?!? While this situation is less than ideal, it’s actually a common occurrence and one that can usually be resolved! If you find yourself in a similar situation, try not to freak out! I’ve got you covered! Here are a few tips to remove a blemish before your senior portrait session.
01. Emergency Appointment With Your Aesthetician
Making an emergency appointment with an aesthetician is my first suggestion, as most professionals have a special treatment they can provide to minimize the appearance, if not get rid of the blemish all together. Aestheticians are very knowledgeable in this area and will definitely be able to help, but sometimes this isn’t an option depending on how many days there are until your session. In this case here are a few more tips to help clear up that unwanted friend on your forehead!
02. Apply Benzoyl Peroxide or Tea Tree Oil
Benzoyl peroxide and tea tree oil are great products for the skin. These will help dry up the blemish, tackle acne causing bacteria, and decrease inflammation, aka what makes it big, red, and swollen.
It is important to note, that it might not be an instant fix and repeat applications (1-2 per day) may be necessary. Also, be sure to look up proper dilution of the tea tree oil. It should not be applied directly to the skin but added to a carrier oil first, like coconut oil, and then applied to the skin!
03. Hydrocortisone Cream
Hydrocortisone Cream has been deemed by some as an overnight magic solution! Before you go to bed, dab it on your new frenemy, and the cream should help control the redness and swelling by morning. IMPORTANT NOTE: don’t use it more than a night or two, as Hydrocortisone Cream can clog pores further (leading to more blemishes). So, use it sparingly.
04. Apply Ice
Blemishes are typically red AND swollen right?! Well ice is known for decreasing swelling for other common situations, and it has the same result when it comes to reducing the swelling and size of your blemish! When you apply ice, it restricts the blood vessels that are providing your blemish life. By shrinking the blood vessels, you will in turn help shrink the size of the blemish and minimize redness. Winning!
05. Talk To Your Makeup Artist and Photographer
On the morning of your session, if your blemish hasn’t gone away, or you woke up the day of with a new friend and have zero time to try one of these remedies, your best option is to discuss options with your makeup artist and photographer. I will work my magic and so will your makeup artists to ensure you are ready for your close up. Your MUA will use the perfect concealer to help minimize the presence of your blemish and I can make it disappear when I retouch the images as I prepare your final gallery images! Nobody will EVER know!
You can see more of my process of preparing your final senior portrait gallery here!
I hope these tips for covering a blemish ease your mind a bit knowing there are plenty of steps you can take to minimize or get rid of your surprise visitor! Whether your senior portraits are a week away or tomorrow morning, don’t stress! I will make sure you feel comfortable and confident walking into your session and ensure your final gallery is one that you love!
Let’s get your senior session booked today! I’d love to send you my Class of 2023 senior magazine full of details like pricing, client timeline, editing process, and more! Go to the bottom of my homepage and fill out the form there to get your senior session booking process started!
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to Contact me!
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