3 Ways To Get The Look You Want | Hair and Makeup Tips

Your senior year will bring many fun and exciting moments and events. Whether you are getting ready for homecoming, senior pictures, prom, or another fun senior event you want to look and feel your best! I am always an advocate for professional hair and makeup when it comes to special occasions! However, there is nothing worse than leaving with a hairstyle or makeup look you didn’t want or don’t like. To prevent you from ever feeling like this, I’m sharing THREE WAYS to get the exact look you want from your makeup artist and hairstylist!

hair and makeup tips to get the look you want

 01. Mood Board

Show your artist a mood board! Get on Pinterest and pin several different inspiration images on one board for easy access! Showing your artist or hairstylist visuals of what you want will help them envision your end goal. I also highly recommend you pin images of models that have the same or similar skin tone, eyes, hair color, hair length, and texture to keep your expectations realistic. 

mood board 3 ways to get the look you want

02. Get Specific

Explain to your stylist or makeup artist what it is about the inspiration pictures you like. Be as specific as possible with why you chose those inspiration pictures. Was it the eye shadow color or the way it was blended? How about the shape of the eye liner? Are you going for a certain look? Chic, natural, modern etc.? These are important factors to bring up when discussing your look with your makeup artist.

For hair styles - Is it the braids in the hairstyle you liked, but not so much the way it was pinned up? Did you you love the curls in a certain picture, but want more hair up around your face? Tell your stylist ALLLL these little details. Sometimes, you won’t be able to find a picture that perfectly represents the vision in your head, but saving pictures of the details you envision and explaining each of them specifically and clearly will allow your stylist to bring each element together to create your ideal look. 

get specific on what you want and like about the hair style

03. Speak Up

This final point is the most important! SPEAK UP if you don’t like it or something is off. I know this can be tough, but I promise you’re not going to hurt anyone’s feelings. A professional will always want you to leave the chair happy!  If there ends up being something you don’t like, explain exactly what you want changed and take that extra time to get exactly what you want! While it is hard to say something, you won’t regret it! Your stylists or artist will be thankful for the opportunity to make it right!  

3 Ways To Get The Look You Want | Hair and Makeup Tips

 Can you believe it’s already October of your senior year?!? All the festivities you’ve been waiting for are finally here! If you haven’t booked your senior session yet, now is the time! Currently, I am booking early Spring 2023 sessions and they are selling out quickly! Contact me today to get your spring senior session on the calendar and I’ll send you our Senior Magazine!